Rose Rayner
Rose Rayner
About Me
Growth Mindset
Revisiting The Growth Mindset
MED-Applied Digital Learning
Creating significant learning environments-New culture of learning
Creating my learning philosophy
Aligning outcomes, assessments, and activities
UbD design template
Developing a growth mindset plan and final compilation
Contributing to my learning & learning community
Concepts of educational technology growth mindset
Learning manifesto
Contributing to my learning & learning community
My journey of learning through concepts of educational technology
Applying educational technology
Contributing to my learning & learning community
Final compilation
Disruptive innovation in technology- digital video story
Innovation proposal
Literature review
Implementation outline
Connecting & communicating my innovation plan
Contributing to my learning & learning community
Leading organization change-What's your why?
Influencer strategy part A & B
Installing 4DX with your organization
Crucial conversations
Self-differentiated leadership & bringing the organizational change process together
Contributing to my learning & learning community
Resources digital environments-Publication Outline
Publication rough draft
Media project
Publication final draft
Final compilation post
Contributing to my learning & learning community
Instructional design in online learning
Usability & reflection
Contributions to my learning and learning community
Developing effective professional leadership-Alternate PL-Call to action
Planning the alternative PL
Connecting & communicating your ideas
Contributing to my learning & learning community
Changes I've Made